Free EDA tools

There are plenty of free or open source tools available for Analog circuit design and Testing. Though many of them work on windows operating system, Linux operating system is preferable. Analog circuit design tools can be classified into following sub categories Schematic Entry tools, Simulation Tools, Output plotting tools, Layout Tools, Optimization Tools.

Schematic entry tools

They are used to create schematic circuit diagrams, custom symbols and can also be used to generate net lists for simulation. Examples:

Simulation Tools

These can simulate the circuit and can model semiconductor devices mainly based on Berkley SPICE. Examples:

Output plotting tools

They are used to plot the simulation results obtained from simulation tools.

Layout Tools

These are used to draw circuit layout either for printed circuit board or integrated circuit board. Examples:

Optimization Tools

These are advance tools for performing statistical analysis simulation, for optimizing circuit performances etc.. Examples: I would like to conclude that at least for academic and research purpose one can completely rely on these free or open source EDA tools.